Where I Walk: Fear and Truth
This week’s essay in Dear Teachers is a poem about my
struggles with fear caused by doubt. I think we can all agree that fear and
doubt are extremely painful. You may not have this problem as much in your
life, but I think everyone battles them from time to time. I doubt myself quite
a bit. Others fear and doubt outside forces more. To some, the inside is to
blame. For others, pain must come from without.
When I can look at it from a safe
distance, I can see the steps I should take. In truth, sometimes I’m right and
sometimes I’m wrong. Sometimes the outside is right and sometimes the outside
is wrong. Hiding may be an option, but it keeps us from moving down the path.
we stumble, what is our light?
I kind of hope you have to sit for a
moment before you answer that for yourself. A quick, canned answer would be so
cool- so easy. But life’s not easy. It’s a myriad of things all
together. People, places, moments and ideas. And the bigger our web of light, the stronger and longer we can walk
through pain.

voices melt our rigidity.
Life’s messy and we don’t have all the
answers. But we’ll hopefully know so much more tomorrow, the next day, and the
next, because we’ll be seeking a clearer view. “Truly” will become more “true”.
we’re willing to think, speak, look and see beyond the fear and doubt, inside
and out.
hope you have been enjoying and getting something positive out of Dear Teachers and my weekly updates. If you have a copy, a review on
Amazon would be very helpful. Also, Teacher Appreciation Week begins May 7,
and I have always considered Dear Teachers as a great gift of thanks and
forward-looking hope and encouragement for those important teachers in your
life. A yearlong gift for $15. Please share with your own circle if you agree.
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